Friday, February 16, 2007

To Teach, or Not to Teach, that IS the question.


Dear Readers, I have a dilemma. Yesterday my boss, at the local college I teach at part-time, asked if I could teach a graduate course in economics. While I consider myself to be a pretty decent accounting prof. at the undergraduate level, teaching a graduate level course is somewhat intimidating. On the other hand, this would be an awesome opportunity as far as career advancement is concerned. And more importantly, it definitely will stretch my teaching abilities, giving me the chance to grow as a professor overall. It would also require a tremendous amount of preparation and effort. What to do?

I’m not the type of person who avoids a good challenge. Yet it is important to balance the safety of sticking to the same boring routine with an overzealous attitude and unrealistic expectations. One can take on too many difficult projects at once and end up feeling that life has spiraled out of control. I have learned this lesson (and still am to some extent!) during the course of my career. Balance, Balance, Balance. Rinse and Repeat.

I was the girl who worked 40 hours, took 22 credit hours (with special permission from the college President) and still maintained a social life! How you may ask? Hell if I know! But, I do know that I still felt like I WASN'T DOING ENOUGH. This all relates back to KICK START THAT MULE, a feeling I have had to continuously fight. Am I doing enough? Have done everything I have promised to myself and others? I have high expectations for myself, so when I don’t perform my duties to best of my ability, it’s very irritating. Yet, perfection is not supposed to be the goal here- just learning and teaching. But, like usual--easier said than done.

Leave a comment. Opinions are welcome.

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